
Helpful security hints and tips: “Google yourself”


With the rise of the digital age, it is difficult (if not impossible) to remain totally anonymous on the internet. Having an online presence and maintaining your social networks can be a wonderful and valuable tool, but sometimes we are unaware of how much personal information can be obtained about us over time.
When was the last time you typed your name or your email address in a web search like Google or Bing? You may be shocked at the results. You may find that old photos of yourself pop up, or an old user account from a forgotten social network or blog that is still associated with your name.
You may even want to search for your work email, to make sure it has not been compromised and made available on the internet for the cybercriminals and scammers to find.
By searching and analyzing your online presence often, you can take steps to remove those things you may not want strangers to see. Like that embarrassing photo from college/university. You know the one we’re talking about.


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